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Easy Japanese Salon Mini Event "Shiga Prefecture Dialects and Kyoto Dialects"

"Shiga Prefecture's Origin and Today's Words"

"Dialects of Shiga Prefecture and Kyoto dialect"

Easy Japanese Salon Mini Event

The Easy Japanese Salon is a place for local Japanese people to learn Japanese.

It is a place where foreigners can interact in simple Japanese.

Next week, let's all talk about "Shiga Prefecture dialect and Kyoto dialect."

We welcome people from not only Shiga Prefecture and Kyoto, but also other places to teach us the words that are only spoken in your area. We look forward to your participation.

⭕️No more complaints

[When] Tuesday, May 21st, 10:20-12:00

⭕️The event starts at 11am

[Where] UDCBK (Urban Design Center Biwako-Kusatsu)

[Money] is not required. It's free.

Kusatsu City International Association (KIFA)

Kusatsu International Friendship Association


KIFA, Kusatsu City Hall, 3-13-30, Kusatsu, Kusatsu-City, Shiga, 520-3033, Japan
TEL: 077-561-2322 Email:

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